
As a reflective practitioner, I spend time (almost weekly) studying the evaluation data participants submit after each PD session I lead. I identify glows and grows, look at my growth as a facilitator over time, and notice whether the changes I make each session resonate with learners. I wrote more about glows and grows here

In reflecting lately, I have noticed more and more participants asking for less content and more time. I lead a lot of PD – sometimes 3 or 4 sessions a week. Creating agendas, developing content, and customizing that content for specific audiences is second nature. Because of this, it’s easy to take for granted that I am highly comfortable with the content being presented.

When learners ask for less content, it’s important not to view the request as laziness or disengagement. What they are really communicating is that they aren’t as comfortable with the content – it’s new to them – and they need think time. They need time to explore and process what they’re learning. They need to go slowly.


Slowing down, offering less content and more time to process is something I’m working hard to do. Yesterday, during PD at a middle school I serve, I created an agenda that was far less packed than previous ones. We focused on learning frameworks and designing learning experiences for students that are both pedagogically sound and innovative. Usually we spend time learning about these frameworks, playing a few “games” to familiarize ourselves with them, and then we move onto a larger activity to apply our knowledge. Yesterday, instead of pushing the flow of learning to allow for all of this, I decided to go slowly.

We introduced learning frameworks under the lens of what digital learning can look like. We spent time talking, sharing, and exploring a small number of really solid resources that offer pedagogical supports for digital learning. What I scheduled to take an hour and a half, ended up taking most of the morning.

My instinct was to cut content so that we could move on, but I decided to let my audience set the pace. Instead of forcing the learning along so we could get to everything I had planned, I offered them more time when I could tell they needed it and allowed the conversation to turn into teachable moments. What resulted was a very solid session on exploring both pedagogical and digital supports for their 1:1 classrooms. They dove into awesome articles, sharing their newly formulated understandings and explored a plethora of digital tools that will help support sound pedagogical practice. I was still able to weave in tools that they could use in application, as well as, protocols for reflection, sharing, and feedback that they can use with students.

Our day rounded out with learning walks after lunch and an hour of open exploration time for the very last part of the session. During this time, I offered them two choices – they were able to openly dive into anything we looked at during the session or use some of the scaffolded activities I provided for them if open exploration was too general or made them feel unsafe.

This is what I found. Going slowly is exactly what they needed. It’s far less important to try and fit all of the content in and much more necessary to provide thinking time, even if that time exceeds what I’ve planned. By letting the learners drive the day’s agenda, I created an environment where learner agency thrived. The teachers were much more satisfied at 3pm when our day ended, which was clearly communicated in the day’s evaluation and their comments to me as they were leaving.

There is so much power in going slowly. Taking time to not only understand your learner’s needs, but to create time and space for them to drive the learning process, even if that means you aren’t able to accomplish everything on the day’s agenda. We were able to have much deeper and richer conversations, not just about our own learning, but also about the experiences we provide for students.

Rethinking PD (Part 3)

This post is Part 3 in a 3 part series that will focus on building a virtual professional learning experience that is a hybrid of face to face PD and virtual PD. In Part 3, I will reflect on the data, what I learned, and next steps in moving forward with creating this as a sustainable and scalable model of PD. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

As I discussed in both Parts 1 and 2 of this series on rethinking PD, the virtual PD day offering was born out a need to explore an alternative option for professional learning, especially in the interim between face to face PD sessions. I know that face to face can’t be matched in its ability to truly impact learners, build relationships, and offer hands on experiences. However, I am beginning to see that face to face PD is not largely scaleable and has limitations and constraints when things like adverse weather is involved. I also realize that many districts and schools we serve have a need to see me (the facilitator) and work with me more than 4 times during a school year. In order to promote sustainability, a hybrid PD model offers the opportunity to create learning experiences, meet with small groups and individuals to provide coaching, and a chance to continue to connect with learners.

While the technical side of the virtual PD day I did with this district was flawless, there is still much room for improvement. Much of the feedback is specific to the district, the specific participants, and their prior experiences with professional learning. But, it’s still important to use this feedback as a means for growth, both of the idea itself and for me professional as a facilitator and content developer.

The goal of the live sessions I facilitated during this virtual PD day was to offer a more hands on, tutorial style session without losing the focus of pedagogy. This is not an easy feat in 30 minutes or less. I found that I had to be very specific and intentional in my choice of what topics to cover and which tools and resources to feature. The evaluation data (that participants filled out at the end of the day), showed that those who attended the live sessions enjoyed having me show and tell in small groups. I only had a few people join each live session, while most of the group chose to do the work at your own pace choice sessions. These sessions were designed to allow participants choice in topic and activity, promoting more learner agency. Most of the feedback was positive concerning the topics and choice provided.

Any time I facilitate PD, I have participants do an evaluation at the end. This evaluation changes depending on the session (whether it’s the first time we meet, the last time we’re meeting, or days in between). I created a special evaluation for this virtual day that asked more directed questions about the format, platform, scaffolding, and user experience. After receiving all the evaluations, I did my normal reflective routine and assessed the feedback for glows and grows. You can read more about evaluations, glows, and grows here.

So here’s some of what the evaluations told me:


Great virtual learning today…very helpful and I enjoyed exploring on my own. It was helpful with doctor’s appointment because I was able to continue working and participating in class. [This is a testament to the power of virtual learning; anytime, anywhere.]

How will I find time for all the cool things I want to try??? [What a great problem to have, right!?!]

The hands on learning aspect. [When asked what was the most satisfying part of the day’s learning experience – This is a huge glow since the learning was all virtual and we were never face to face.]

Being able to choose sessions to work on in groups was helpful. [It was nice to know that allowing choice also promoted collaborative work among participants.]

I enjoyed being able to explore on my own but having Tavia available at certain times for questions. and Tavia was great and allowed for plenty of time to explore resources and work at our own pace. [This illustrates the importance of the work/drop in sessions being an actual scheduled session during the event.]

GROWS (summarized from feedback)

  • Not enough time to absorb content
  • Too much choice
  • More sessions that offer concrete, tutorial style help (live sessions with Tavia)
  • Screencasts or video tutorials for all sessions in addition to the activities and information provided
  • Activities were too dense
  • Less scheduled sessions and more work time

The grows aren’t always easy to read, especially when you’ve been working with a district and understand more about the context of why many participants feel the way they do. While I know that many of these teachers have never had day long, hands-on PD that required critical thinking and creativity, I have to view their comments and feedback with the lens of improving this virtual PD model. In other words, I can’t get hung up on the “why” of the comment itself.

From the evaluation feedback it’s clear that participants are eager for more live sessions with me (a facilitator). Most didn’t complain about the length of time of the sessions, since there was work time built in afterwards, but having the facilitator there, working with them is important to them. In considering this, I will make more of an effort during future events to schedule less sessions and make more of them live. Zoom’s limitation is that I can only run one session at a time, which has me considering collaborating with colleagues and also the prospect of using a district’s own educators to help run sessions. The idea of utilizing capacity that is already there and helping to give these educators a platform to pursue this type of leadership experience really excites me.

The feedback also reminds me that most of the time, less is more. While I focused heavily on giving my participants a lot of choice in topics, their evaluation feedback proves that many would have enjoyed less choice and longer, more focused work time. In the future, I will consider ways expand my thinking on how to gather and collect data about what specific topics they’d liked covered, rather than use previous evaluation suggestions. I am also aware of the power of video and screencasts to help participants who opt for a work at your own pace session. I thought most of the participants who consider themselves less tech savvy would attend the live sessions, while many of them ended up doing the other choices. These work at your own pace sessions weren’t scaffold enough for all learning levels, and an easy fix is adding in video, whether it’s a tutorial or just me (the facilitator) giving them clear, concise directions on how to proceed. After reviewing the feedback, this need seemed so obvious and I honestly couldn’t believe I left it out.

Even though there is much room for improvement, I consider this first attempt at a virtual PD event, customized to the school district, to be a success. As I work on this hybrid model of face to face PD and virtual learning events, I have much to consider (including all of the above). I will think about ways to not only customize, but to also use virtual events to network districts that feel isolated. I would love to be able to have two or three districts participate so that they can not only learn individually, but learn from each other. I also want to better utilize some of Zoom’s features during the live sessions – features such as breakout rooms. Another idea that I have for making these types of virtual learning experiences better for participants is to utilize their own capacity. I would love to have educators within the district leading sessions and sharing ideas with each other. Not only does this promote leadership, it also helps to build educator confidence, something we don’t talk about enough.

Rethinking PD (Part 2)

This post is Part 2 in a 3 part series that will focus on building a virtual professional learning experience that is a hybrid of face to face PD and virtual PD. In Part 2, I will focus on the actual virtual PD event including scheduling and planning choices that I made to accomodate my learners. You can read Part 1 here.

Planning for the Virtual PD Event
In Part 1 of this series on rethinking PD, I discussed what led to the desire to create a hybrid PD model and what it looks like currently. Creating the actual event, the planning, scheduling, scaffolding, and data informed decision making, was a long process. After posing my initial idea to the district’s leadership group during a virtual check in meeting, I was sure to include them in decision making throughout the entire creation process. It’s very important to me to create ownership and buy in with the educators I work with – making it imperative that planning is inclusive and collaborative.

About one month prior to the actual event we had a virtual meeting to discuss the upcoming PD day. With all of my districts and schools, I try to schedule intermittent planning meetings between PD sessions so we can discuss evaluation data and the evolving needs of each project. During our meeting I posed the idea of having a virtual PD event in lieu of the originally scheduled face to face PD session. There were many reasons I decided to offer this option. Travel, calendars, and imposing weather were just a few of the initial reasons – but some were more data informed. Due to winter weather conditions, the district had missed many days of school, eliminating most of the Teacher Workdays that were originally scheduled into their calendar. In an attempt to salvage one of their only TWDs, I liked the idea of a virtual event that participants could pop in and out of when they needed to, having choices whether to attend live sessions or do sessions that required them to work on their own, at their own pace.

Naturally, the district loved this idea and our planning moved forward. Since I have access to Zoom through FI, we decided to use that for our platform. The district leadership had no qualms with this, as during this very planning meeting we were using Zoom together for the first time (in hindsight, this was a smart decision). We decided to have three blocks of sessions throughout the day, with each block including at least one live event (hosted and facilitated by me) and at least two (sometimes three) work at your own pace choices for professional learning. With the cohort’s varying levels of technology confidence, the session evaluations from previous face to face PD showed that many of the participants wanted more tutorial style help implementing technology into their classrooms. So, we decided that the live sessions during the virtual PD event would be slower paced, more tutorial style, but still have a strong emphasis on pedagogy. These sessions included:

  • Exploring Google Chrome Extensions – where we discussed extensions for both teacher and student productivity and learning and I also showed them how to find, install, and use them on their Chromebooks
  • Tools for Student Reflection and Feedback – where we discussed and explored protocols, ideas, and tools to use to help encourage and foster both reflection and feedback for students
  • Becoming a More Connected Educator – where we discussed the power of building, sustaining, and using your PLN and tools to make this easier and more efficient

The work at your own pace sessions spanned themes and content including topics such as learner agency, the Amazing Race protocol, Digital Breakout EDU, and Google Bootcamp for teachers. In planning this virtual event, it was our hope to offer numerous types of sessions to meet the varying wants and needs (that the evaluation data pointed to) of the participants. I will discuss more of how this was actually received in Part 3 of the series.

Scheduling & Scaffolding the Virtual Event
While our event was very strategically scheduled, we made it clear to the participants that they would be able to work at their own pace throughout the day and choose to either participate in all 3 blocks of time, or only two if they needed to use more of their TWD for planning for students. I created a schedule via Google Docs that had the session titles, session links (both the virtual events and the work at your own pace choices), and the session descriptions clearly noted. I also color coded the schedule so that it was easy to follow. Anything highlighted in yellow was a live event through Zoom, while all the green events were work at your own pace choices. The schedule blocks were only 30 minutes long, with a work time and drop in for support block immediately following (see below).

The work time/drop in for support block was a great addition. I would be live through Zoom so that participants could drop in to ask me questions about the work they were doing for the virtual event, or anything else that they needed help with. While this particular feature wasn’t utilized as much as I had hoped it would be, it was vital in setting up scaffolding and safety for those participants that wanted to get more assistance while learning.

In an attempt to promote collaboration and communication, I also included a 30 minute Q&A session at the end of the day. It wasn’t mandatory for participants, but many of them attended to ask questions about classroom management and Chromebooks (they are in the beginning stages of implementing their 1:1 initiative). I really enjoyed the flexibility, openness, and opportunity to connect that this chunk of time offered.

There was also a mandatory opening and closing session that all participants were expected to attend. During the opening session (and due to the logics of each school in the district being very close in proximity), participants were asked to meet face to face in the high school library. This allowed the district leadership team to ensure that everyone was able to access Zoom, the schedule, and understood the logistics and procedures for the day. The closing session that afternoon was via Zoom, so participants were able to work from school or a remote location. During the closing session we did a quick reflection for takeaways from the day, shared our biggest pieces of learning, and did the FI evaluation.

An important piece in scheduling this event came in the meetings I had with leadership along the way. In order to make sure they felt comfortable with the tech being used, we planned a practice run one week before the actual event. This gave them the chance to have not just the leadership team I work with for PD, but all of their school administrators participate in a quick event via Zoom to familiarize themselves with the tool. Doing this trial run gave the leadership (boots on the ground during the actual virtual event) confidence in both the tool and their ability to facilitate the learning that day.

The actual event went off without a hitch. All of the district’s technology worked perfectly, as did the Zoom platform. And while there are certainly points of improvement for the content and facilitation, everyone was pleased with how easily accessible the day’s sessions were. Our ability to be prepared, use data to inform decision making along the way, and focus on preparing leadership for the actual day of all helped to create the a great first attempt at this virtual learning day.

In Part 3 of this series I will discuss the evaluation data from participants, areas of improvement and growth, and next steps in making this type of model scaleable for other districts and schools.

Rethinking PD (Part 1)

This post is Part 1 in a 3 part series that will focus on building a virtual professional learning experience that is a hybrid of face to face PD and virtual PD. In Part 1, I will focus on what led to this hybrid PD model and what it looks like currently.

What Led To the Need for a Virtual PD Option
Through my work at Friday Institute, I’ve visited many districts (LEAs) and schools across NC. Much of the work that I do is providing face to face professional learning experiences for educators. Oftentimes this model includes approximately 3-4 visits to their district or school during a given school year – with each visit consisting of a full day of professional learning (6-7 hours). Sometimes this learning is facilitated PD, and sometimes it’s coaching or learning walks.

One of the districts I’ve served this school year is located in a remote part of Western NC. They are a 6 hour drive from where I live, which makes traveling for PD difficult, especially during the months when weather is not favorable. Because of their location, weather that might not seem treacherous in other parts of the state, can shut down their normal day to day operations causing them to miss multiple school days. Another factor with serving a district that has a very remote location is trying to plan the actual face to face PD days around both their calendar and the chance of adverse weather. Generally, we have to plan for PD at the beginning of the school year, a session in early fall, and then two more well into late winter or early spring. This causes a huge gap of time between PD sessions 2 and 3, often leading to a disconnect between myself (the facilitator) and the learners.

I share all of that, not to set up a situation that seems insurmountable (we’ve been doing this on our team for years), but to lead into why I felt a need to explore an alternative option for professional learning, especially in the interim between face to face PD sessions. I know that face to face can’t be matched in its ability to truly impact learners, build relationships, and offer hands on experiences. However, I am beginning to see that face to face PD is not largely scaleable and has limitations and constraints when things like adverse weather is involved. I also realize that many districts and schools we serve have a need to see me (the facilitator) and work with me more than 4 times during a school year. In order to promote sustainability, a hybrid PD model offers the opportunity to create learning experiences, meet with small groups and individuals to provide coaching, and a chance to continue to connect with learners.

What We Know All Good Professional Learning Experiences Should Have
There is a plethora of research on best practices and models for sustainable and impactful professional learning experiences (see works consulted at the end of this post). Whether we are creating face to face learning experiences or virtual ones, there are some common threads that must be present for learners to feel that the experience is both sustainable and impactful (also, please note this list is in no way exhaustive).

  • Is Content Focused
    Professional learning must be content focused. It is very important to give learners not just what they need, but also what they want. Taking into account their passion to learn makes the learning experience much more meaningful and helps to ensure that they will take and use what they learn and explore during a session. Content focused PD experiences have specific learning goals and are grounded in things like solid instructional practice and seamlessly embedded technology use. These learning experiences must also be structured so that learners can see curriculum and pedagogical connections. It’s important for them to be able to visualize and then actualize how what they’re learning will effect student outcomes.
  • Allows for Active Learning
    All professional learning experiences should give learners a chance to actively learn and use content. Educators need time to not only explore resources, information, tools, etc., but also the time to put these things into practice. Sometimes this is facilitator led activities and sometimes this is self-paced exploration, modeling learner agency, that results in some type of product that they can immediately use with students. By creating environments where learners are given the chance to actively engage, we are making it safe to take risks, fail forward, and test and iterate ideas.
  • Models Good Instructional Practices
    In planning and facilitating professional learning experiences, we have to model solid pedagogical practice for learners. Modeling these practices allows the learner to see it in action, helping him/her visualize this for their own students. It is important to also include here embedded technology use, time for reflection, and opportunities for both giving and receiving feedback. As we create PD that models good instructional practice, it is also important to promote the idea of learner agency. Learners should have choice and be given opportunities to drive their own learning.
  • Promotes Collaboration
    Professional learning experiences should have time built in where participants can learn from each other. This might be guided or scaffolded learning activities where learners use each other’s expertise and skills to solve problems or create new products or understandings, or it may be team challenges that they complete using each other for support. Regardless of how, learners need time to practice collaborating in a safe space.
  • Builds in Time for Feedback and Reflection
    During any learning experience, learners must have time for both low stakes feedback and to reflect on not only what they’re learning, but how this learning makes them feel, what they will take from it, and how the learning could have been more effective. It is can also be helpful to institute a feedback loop to help teachers monitor implementation of the things they learned during PD.
  • Is Sustainable
    Planning and preparing for sustainability can be hard but is so necessary for any kind of professional learning. When my phase of the work is done with a district or school, it’s important to leave them with momentum, capacity, and expertise to continue on. In order to create sustainability, PD must include coaching and expert support. These should be available throughout the learning process, as well as in the interim between sessions. It is also important to provide follow up to help learners implement what they’re learning. Follow up happens throughout the process, but there should be scaffolds in place for this to continue once the PD is over with.

What Does Virtual PD (A Hybrid Model) Look Like?
My goal is to create a virtual professional learning experience that is a hybrid model. Virtual PD would be used to supplement face to face PD experiences in the interim and would feel much like a face to face learning experience. Often we visit a district or school approximately four times a school year – a hybrid PD model (face to face + virtual PD experiences) offers the opportunity to continue learning and build on concepts already learned, create coaching experiences that are ongoing during the school year, and model instructional practice that affords learners agency.

Using a platform, such as Zoom, the facilitator can create virtual experiences that are much like face to face PD. With only one facilitator, each time slot (session) would offer one live virtual learning experience and a few self-paced, on your own learning experiences.

An important aspect of creating a sustainable virtual learning model is supporting learners during the actual event. There should be live, virtual support with the facilitator built into the day (between sessions, scheduled “office hours”, or even Q&A sessions). This support and scaffolding has to be advertised and communicated so that learners understand its role and how to access this support during learning. One drawback of a one facilitator model is that while live virtual experiences are happening, the facilitator will not be available to answer questions and offer support to those learners choosing to do self-paced activities. To counterbalance this, there should also be on the ground support in the school or district that is being served. This could be Instructional Technology facilitators, Media Coordinators, etc. – It’s important to recognize and utilize the capacity in the district or school. These people should be available during the event to assist learners with questions and technology issues that might arise. It is also helpful to offer a backchannel or way that learners can “ask” questions or make comments that can be seen synchronously and asynchronously by the facilitator and other learners.

When planning virtual PD, an important thing to consider is the overarching theme or learning goals for the day. Will the experience be a buffet of topics or will it focus on specific learning goals? Both options work in different ways.

How We Got Started
Before exploring the virtual PD option for this district, I had visited them for two face to face sessions – one in October 2017 and one in January 2018. Both sessions were very learner focused, hands-on, and offered much time for feedback and reflection. I also have each learner complete an evaluation at the end of each face to face PD session, giving me feedback and reflection on their experience as a learner. Digging into the evaluations from both the October and January face to face sessions gave me some grows to consider moving forward:

      • There’s a huge perceived divide in technology confidence and ability from the learners themselves. Many of the learners feel that a small group (5-6) of their peers are very advanced and are bored during PD because I have to slow down for those that don’t catch on as quickly or need more help. The interesting thing about this is that those that are considered “more advanced” give very positive feedback regarding the PD experience and never complain that it moves too slow. Again, this points to perception and the need to help build technology confidence in those that are lacking this.
      • Some of the learners feel that the face to face sessions are too content heavy. They stress that only having an hour during an activity that includes pedagogical practice and embedded technology use, is not enough time to dive in and explore content. They enjoy the hands on applications of instructional practice and technology use, but some wish that learning could be less “theoretical”.
      • Some learners simply want tool instruction. They want the basics on all of the tools that I feature (in application). Unfortunately, while this may be a request, it is not in line with best practices in professional learning and would do little to benefit instructional practice. Since this need seems to recur in the evaluations, the district leadership team and I discussed that this is a perfect use of their capacity – using their tech staff and media coordinator to do some of the “basics” training when it is needed or desired. We are still working to find the best way to accomplish this.
      • Some comments on prior evaluations mentioned the need to be able to work at their own pace and have more choice in their learning. This call for more learner agency helped to drive some of the decisions in what to offer during the virtual learning event.

After I reflected on the evaluations from the two prior sessions, I considered how to know when my learners would be ready for this type of experience. Due to our time constraints in both planning and implementing the actual virtual learning day, I was not able to construct a formal readiness quotient, but I have started to think about what this would look like. This is an important question to consider before thinking about creating a hybrid PD model (which I will address further in Part 2 and 3).

There is much planning that must happen prior to a virtual learning experience. I met with the district team multiple times to explain the idea, go over the data that led to this decision, and to get their input on content, their capacity to offer support, and the availability of technology for the event. We also had a test run one week before where we tested the technology and platform from various places in the district to make sure that everything would run seamlessly. 

In Part 2 of this series, I will outline the actual event and talk more about the planning and scheduling choices made to accommodate learning.

Works Consulted:

5 Strategies For Better Teacher Professional Development. (2014). TeachThought. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from

5 Ways to Transform PD with Best Practices for Learning. (2018). Retrieved 2 April 2018, from

Effective Teacher Professional Development. (2018). Learning Policy Institute. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from


On Sunday, I spent my morning and afternoon here – at my desk. I know, not the typical News Year Eve festivities, but I wanted time to really reflect on my year, all that I have been given and all that I have given to others.

This year, I have learned to focus on intentions. I’ve done a lot of work with educators on taking goals and transforming them into intentions. This is not to say that having goals is a bad thing. Goals are wonderful and can do so much to push our practice forward. I’m not opposed to goal setting, but I’ve just found another way to approach reflection and growth in the form of intentions.

Let me start by defining goals and intentions. When I talk to educators about goals, we generally tend to agree that goals are:

  • focused on the future
  • a destination or specific achievement
  • external achievements

Goals tend to be written as destinations – somewhere we hope to end up after hard work. And while they can be helpful in pushing us to an intended outcome, goals are often rigid and leave us feeling unsuccessful or lacking if we don’t accomplish them. I’ve also found that when reaching for my goals, I tend to overlook the power of the journey because I’m much more focused on succeeding.

Intentions are different than goals. They are:

  • focused on the present moment
  • lived each day, independent of reaching the goal or destination
  • focused on your inner-relationships with yourself and others

When you make an intention, you are creating a lens to see your actions through. Intentions focus less on where you want to end up and more on how you want to feel about what you’re doing and how you hope what you’re doing makes others feel. More specifically, when I lead educators through rewriting goals as intentions, these intentions become a way for them to positively affect their daily work, apart from the ending or final destination.

Intentions help us create sustaining change and growth that is natural. They help us support what we do and those we serve.

I’ve written and rewritten a few intentions for 2018 – but my list is incomplete. My intentions will grow and change as I enter into new relationships, take on new work and find new opportunities to create and design.

What I do know is that while I sat there on Sunday, I kept repeating two questions to myself (Thank Darren for these):

  • Are you doing/designing/creating work you’re proud of?
  • How is your work (not you) impacting the future, building something, and empowering others?

At the end of the day, I want to help create things that influence change, empower and inspire the people I’m around and always choose kindness.

Happy 2018. May your year be full of renewal and growth.

The work I’ve done with goals and intentions was largely influenced by this and this.